Juju Dhau, which literally means ‘King of Yoghurt’ in Newari language, that comes from Bhaktapur Nepal. It is probably the best yoghurt in the world It is an important component of any occasions and celebrations in Newar communities. It has sweet and richer taste with smoother texture that melts in your mouth. Yoghurt, roasted cumin powder and honey make a really good combination for dessert. On top of it, add seasonal fruits like oranges, grapes, pomegranate etc.

For this recipe, roast a table spoon of cumin seed in a pan. Grind half amount of cumin seed in the stone grinder coarsely, and set aside the other half for sprinkling it later in the dessert. Sprinkle some of the ground cumin powder over the yoghurt in a dessert plate. Add seasonal fruits such as grapes, pomegranate, oranges etc. and drizzle a table spoon of honey. Then add some fine bites of roasted coconut and sprinkle some whole roasted cumin seed. Your Juju Dhau dessert is ready to be served.
The roasted coconut bites add nuttiness to the dessert. You can also use regular yoghurt instead.